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Tuttocapelliestetica.com is a website and a brand owned by La Casa di Venere srls, a leading company in the market for the marketing of professional products for care and beauty. The company was founded in 2002 from the idea of ​​Carmen Veltri, already an expert hairdresser and beautician. The idea was to offer the territory a company capable of offering only and exclusively highly professional products. Shortly thereafter, the company presents a series of leading companies in professional cosmetics such as Wella, L'Oreal, Peggy Sage, etc. After a few years, the landing on the web arrives with the first e-commerce. Today La Casa di Venere has 5 direct online sales lines and presents it on various national and foreign MarketPlaces. The seriousness and professionalism that allowed us to become leaders in the territory has also made the difference on the web.